“It takes fierce compassion to take the next step forward even when there seems to be nothing lighting a dark unknown landscape. Engaged meditation is about unlocking our heart’s perception in order to remember how to meet life with unrelenting love in every situation we encounter.
The Fierce Compassion Sangha (formerly Deepening Practice) was created to support people from all over the world to work intimately with Eden in the context of conscious community to deepen practice in a sustained way. As we navigate the increasingly complex challenges of climate change, species extinction, systemic racism, and the historical legacy of disconnect from the natural world, the path of collective awakening requires an embodiment of both gentle and fierce compassion. This is symbolized by the symbol of one hand open and receptive; the other hand holding the sword that cuts through delusion and protects freedom of the heart. Meditation re-awakens us to the balance of conscious allowing and conscious protection, the receptive and expressive aspects of our nature, the full spectrum of yin and yang, dark and light. The sacred partnership of dark and light offers a radical path to wholeness in an age of global uncertainty.
We gather weekly to practice meditation, relational mindfulness, embodied deep listening, and inquiry. The Fierce Compassion Sangha celebrates kaylanna mitta, or spiritual friendship, and the possibility for creating community based on the paradigm of shared power or power with rather than power over. All are welcome. Please note these Group Agreements.
Joining the Fierce Compassion Sangha gives you:
Admittance to all of Eden’s weekly meditations through REMEMBERING the Already Awakened State
Access to a full library of Eden’s recorded teachings and dharma talks (including all past and future weekly meditations, recorded practices, and select retreats and intensives)
The option to send practice questions ahead of time to be addressed during live sessions
The opportunity to be paired with a Deep Listening Partner to practice mindful inquiry - monthly practice questions will be provided by Eden
The sangha celebrates the spirits of reciprocity and generosity. By joining, you gift yourself with Eden’s support as a teacher and you support Eden’s work in the world with a monthly tax-deductible donation.
About the sliding scale suggested donation: We wish for the teachings to be accessible to all. Those who have more might wish to donate more in order to support those who are financially challenged. If you are unable to donate anything during this time but wish to participate, please email us.
No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.