the natural kitchen: your guide to the sustainable food revolution


“Do not undervalue the significance of your every action, and do not undervalue your power to make a beautifully positive impact with every action. You can begin by feeling the peace and empowerment in yourself that comes from letting your sensitivity guide your choices.”

In Peace and Passion,


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Deborah Eden Tull’s book will change your life and how you relate to food and to the planet on a daily basis. It is a guide to help people make the shift from “consumers” to “earth stewards,” and teaches an approach to food and cooking that is about celebrating nature, mindfulness, community, pleasure, and long-term sustainability, rather than convenience and short-sightedness.
— Helena Norberg-Hodge, FounderInternational Society for Ecology and CultureAuthor of Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh
We are what we eat. And if what we eat is genetically modified, industrially grown and processed toxic junk, we are turning our bodies into a junkyard and a graveyard. The Natural Kitchen shows how you can bring back reverence for food, for your body, and for the earth. And like the examples cited, you too can join this amazing revolution in the making – one kitchen at a time, one meal at a time.
— Vandana Shiva, Founder NavdanyaAuthor, Monocultures of the MindStolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food SupplyBiopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge